What Are the Symptoms of TMJ?

TMJ is the name for the jaw joints, located in front of each ear on both sides of your head. They are a complex system of bones, muscles and ligaments that allow the lower jaw to move up and down, side to side and back and forth. They also synchronize with the movements of other systems in your body like the digestive, endocrine, excretory, immune, and nervous systems, among others. These three dimensional movements distinguish the TMJ from other weight bearing joints in your body, like your hip or knee.

TMJ Treatment Options: Alleviating Jaw Pain for Better Comfort

TMD symptoms usually start without obvious cause, and can be made worse by stress. Researchers are examining whether factors such as genes, life events and psychosocial impairments play a role in TMD. Symptoms of TMD include pain in the temporomandibular joint, decreased jaw movement and clicking or popping sounds.

Many home treatments for TMD can help relieve the discomfort. These include chewing soft foods, avoiding hard or chewy foods, and using jaw-strengthening exercises. Over-the-counter or prescription medications can also ease the symptoms of TMD. However, more research is needed to prove the effectiveness of some of these treatments.

Some people with TMD experience a combination of symptoms, and may be referred to a doctor who specializes in orofacial disorders (dentist or ear, nose, and throat [ENT] specialist). A classic triad includes temporomandibular joint pain or dysfunction, reduced mandibular range of motion and functional clicking. If conservative treatment does not relieve symptoms, patients should be referred to a maxillofacial surgeon for further evaluation.

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